Fair & Unbiased: Save On Car Insurance With LOOP's Discounts

Published on
March 6, 2023

If you're tired of the same old car insurance companies providing generic plans with limited options, it's time to check out LOOP. We're changing the car insurance industry by offering personalized coverage and discounts our members want.

In this article, we'll showcase how our member discounts can save you money while providing you with the best possible coverage.

The Problem With Most Car Insurance Discounts Today

Car insurance companies often offer discounts based on factors such as age and gender. As an example, some young drivers could unknowingly experience bias in the pricing of their policies.

Many car insurance companies offer discounts to drivers over the age of 25, assuming that older drivers are more responsible on the road. However, this may not be true for all younger drivers. In fact, younger drivers are expected to have more accidents due to lack of experience or immaturity, as well as other factors such as distracted driving. And although the data supports these claims, it isn't a good feeling to be priced based on averages.

You aren't a statistic, you're person and should be priced based on how you drive and the roads you drive on.

We do have to callout that some carriers do provide discounts to young drivers if they are doing well in school (e.g., “goood student” discounts), yet this specific discount isn’t related to driving habits.

Yet, if you’re a young driver and you have a clean driving record—you aren’t rewarded by not fitting the stereotype. An alternative way to make a positive difference is to reward drivers based on their driving habits on the road, reviewing their driving records, and not solely pricing them by looking at their age.

Another example (which isn’t as obvious) is when car insurance companies also offer discounts to drivers with high credit scores. There's no evidence that your credit score is able to predict your driving ability. This type of discount clearly shows a bias against a large portion of low-income drivers, who may have lower credit scores due to their financial circumstances but have a good driving record.

LOOP’s Safe Driving Discounts

Most traditional companies are more focused on penalizing drivers for past financial mistakes rather than rewarding the safe drivers that are their customers. Traditional carriers also price drivers unfairly, often looking at a driver's credit score, zip code, and job title to determine their premiums.

At LOOP, we don't believe in this outdated practice. As an example, we offer discounts to safe drivers with a clean record (having no violations) for the last three years, having no accidents in 5 years, and who also have six or more months of prior coverage ‌before switching to LOOP. We believe in rewarding responsible drivers with discounts if they have great driving records.

LOOP’s Paid In Full Discounts

We offer up to 20% off to members who pay their policies in full. We also provide up to 10% off if you pay half of your policy upfront.

We want to make sure our members are getting the best value for their money, and straightforward discounts that aren’t rooted in bias is how we do that.

LOOP’s Paperless Discount

We provide discounts for accepting ‌electronic documents and going paperless.

LOOP’s Advanced Technology Discounts (Electric Vehicles, Hybrid Car, & Automatic Emergency Breaking)

We also provide a discount (tiered by level) for drivers who are using advanced technologies in their vehicles. Electric and hybrid cars are becoming more popular, but traditional car insurance companies are slow to recognize their benefits. That's why we offer discounts for having an electric vehicle.

If your vehicle also has automatic emergency braking, this discount also applies to you.

We want to make sure our members are encouraged to drive electric or hybrid cars, not punished (or ignored) for it.

LOOP’s Vehicle Usage Discounts

Rewarding good drivers is at the core of every thing that we do. That's why we offer discounts depending on how you use your vehicle over time while you’re a LOOP member. Whether you're driving to work or taking a road trip, we want to make sure you're getting the best value for your money.

The other guys often don't care about their customers as much as they should. We strive to provide the fairest and most transparent car insurance possible.

That's why we offer member discounts that are simple to understand and that aren’t rooted in any bias. We care about making sure our members are protected, not just by providing car insurance, but by making sure you have peace of mind when you're on the road.

So if you're ready, get a quote here to take advantage of these discounts.

You don’t need a good credit score to have great car insurance!

Check out how much you could save today.

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