Auto Insurance
4 min read

What Color Cars Are More Expensive To Insure?

Published on
August 3, 2023

Dive into the interesting world of auto insurance, as we debunk one of its most persistent myths—the impact of car color on insurance rates. Contrary to popular belief, the color of your car doesn't determine the amount you'll pay for insurance. But if that's the case, where does this myth come from?

Unraveling the Car Color-Insurance Myth

"Does car color impact auto insurance rates?" People who are shopping for car insurance for the first or second time usually ask this question. Often, the answer surprises many. Car color doesn't figure into the equation when insurance rates are calculated. The persistence of this belief likely comes from a mixture of myths surrounding certain car colors and misunderstandings that we’ll explain below.

When Color Could Indirectly Matter

Let’s start by stating that, certain scenarios could make car color indirectly impact insurance costs. For example, a custom paint job could increase your car's value, potentially leading to higher insurance costs. Remember, this isn’t because to the color itself, but the cost associated with the custom paint job.

The Real Impact of Car Color

The truth is, car color does matter, but not to your insurer. It's the car buyers, sellers, and thieves who care about your vehicle's color.

Car Color and Its Role in Buying, Selling, and Theft

Certain colors can be more appealing to potential buyers, influencing the perceived value and, ultimately, the selling price of the car.

Common colors such as white, black, and silver are often seen as more "classic" and can maintain their desirability over time. These colors tend to appeal to a wide range of buyers and may help the vehicle keep its value better than cars that have more unconventional colors.

Conversely, unique or niche colors, while possibly appealing to certain buyers, may limit the pool of interested parties, potentially affecting the car's resale value. Still, these colors can become desirable if they are rare or associated with limited editions of certain car models.

Another aspect where car color comes into play is car theft. It may be surprising, but the color of your car could potentially impact its likelihood of being stolen. Common colors like black, white, and silver are stolen more often, simply because these cars are more abundant. However, it's important to note that car theft rates are more influenced by other factors, such as car make, model, your location, and the presence of anti-theft devices, rather than color alone.

Despite these considerations, the influence of car color on buying, selling, and theft doesn't directly impact your insurance premiums. Insurers typically focus more on factors like your car's make, model, age, and your personal driving history when determining your insurance costs.

Busting the Biggest Myth: Red Cars Make You Pay More

There's a general myth that red cars cost more to insure because they're ticket magnets. However, this has been debunked.

The myth that red cars are more expensive to insure is based on two false assumptions: red cars receive more speeding tickets and are more prone to accidents. Research has confirmed that neither of these assumptions holds water. The color of a car doesn't influence driving behavior or the likelihood of a traffic violation. So, repainting your car red won't cause your insurance premiums to skyrocket.

The Things That Actually Affect Your Insurance Premium

While car color doesn't affect insurance rates, factors like the type of car you drive, its age, its safety ratings, your credit score, where your car is parked, and your job do. You don’t need to worry about the color of your car when shopping for car insurance.

The Bottom Line

The color-insurance connection is a myth. Factors like car make, model, safety ratings, age, and your driving record determine your insurance premium. So, when you're car shopping, choose a color that suits your personal preference and enjoy the ride!

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Other Frequently Asked Questions

Let's also take a moment to explore other common questions related to car color.

What Is the Safest Color Car to Drive?

While some studies suggest certain colors might be marginally safer due to better visibility on the road, your risk of being in a collision isn't significantly impacted by your car's color.

What Color Car Holds Value Best?

The color of your car can play a significant role in its depreciation value. While the choice of car color is often based on personal preference and taste, it can be enlightening to know which colors tend to hold their value best when it's time to resell.

Common colors such as white, black, and silver often dominate the top spots regarding resale value. These colors are generally seen as timeless and classic, appealing to a wide range of potential buyers.

Additionally, colors like grey and blue are popular choices that tend to hold their value relatively well, often being perceived as sleek and professional. These colors might not be as widespread as white, black, or silver, but they still command a considerable part of the market, thus appealing to a broader audience when it's time to sell.

On the other hand, brighter, more unconventional colors such as orange, purple, or yellow may not fare as well in the resale market. These niche colors, although they may appeal to some, often have a smaller pool of interested buyers. However, it's worth noting that for some models or makes, these unusual colors might add a uniqueness factor that can command a premium, especially for sports or luxury cars. The impact of color on resale value can often be car-specific.

Nevertheless, while it's interesting to consider color in the context of resale value, the most important factor should be choosing a color that you personally enjoy. After all, you'll be the one driving it!

About the Author: This article was crafted by the LOOP Marketing Team. Comprising of seasoned professionals with expertise in the insurance industry, our team is dedicated to providing readers with accurate, up-to-date, and valuable information. At LOOP, we're passionate about helping families navigate the world of car insurance, ensuring they get the best coverage at the most affordable rates. Learn more about our mission and values here.

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